Monday 12 November 2018

Sinister and significant elements and scenarios

Previous articles contain many examples of elements, features, games, syndromes and scenarios that I am particularly interested in. Cases and references come from my own or someone else’s personal experience and from fiction or biographical works.

I see them as red flags, warning signs that unseen influences may be at work.

I thought it might be useful to compile a list of some of the most sinister and significant of these elements:  

-People benefitting from convenient and/or suspicious deaths;

-People getting things at other people’s expense;

-People inflicting terrible injuries of various kinds and carrying on as if nothing has happened, adding insult to injury by expecting their victims to play the ‘business as usual’ game too;

-People behaving unprofessionally and out of character;

- People playing the reversal game that is characteristic of evil. For example, behaving as if they were the victim when they are the victimiser and presenting black as white;

-The backfiring scenario, where people do not get what they wanted, planned for and expected because it all goes horribly wrong. They may even get the exact opposite of what they wanted; sometimes they lose what they already had;

-The fifth-rate travesty scenario, when what people get seems to them to be a very cheap copy of what they actually wanted;

-The time when jubilant people think that they are in at the start of something big and exciting, only for a time to come when they look back sadly, realising that that was as good as it got;

-The ‘all avenues closed’ scenario when people are forced onto what seems like the only path available, the only way out. This path often leads to something worse or even to destruction;

-The attack-dog syndrome;

-The sole supplier syndrome;

People of interest with big anomalies in their lives, the ‘good idea’ that results in suffering and the ‘as if’ game deserve a mention too.

When I see these elements in operation, I suspect that there is an energy vampire, a cult, a black occultist or a witch in the case; where relevant, I suspect that psychological black magic is at work.