Monday 14 September 2009

Unseen crimes: an introduction

It is now quite common to hear people use expressions such as 'dysfunctional family' and 'control freak'. Energy vampires (people not appliances) are following the same path towards general recognition: there is a lot of useful information about them available in books and online.

It is now the turn of unseen crimes to go public. These are not crimes in the legal sense; they are committed by people who operate from another dimension in such a way that their activities cannot be detected or linked to the perpetrator. 

Such crimes are the hidden cause of some runs of bad luck; they may be behind misfortunes, accidents, injuries, illnesses and even deaths. The perpetrators are usually completely unaware of what they are doing and how it affects people: they never make the connection between what has been going on in their minds and what is happening to people around them. 

Someone who did such things deliberately would be considered to be practising black magic; the people who do it unconsciously can be said to be performing psychological black magic, psychic crime or mind-power crime. The motives vary: for example, it can be done in revenge, as a punishment, in self-defence, in an attempt to influence the victim or as a pretext to approach someone.

Examples from real life
Personal memories provide some examples of what I mean. The last time I saw my father’s stepmother was when she was in hospital after being hit by a car. These things happen; I did not make anything of it at the time, and it was many years before I started to put the pieces of the jigsaw together. 

My father had borrowed money from her a few times, with the understanding that he would pay it back. Like so many of his kind, he was stuck in a tape-loop: instead of repaying the loan he would go back and ask for more money - as if for the first time. Shortly before her accident, his stepmother had told him that she would not give him any more money until he had paid back the previous loans. I am as sure as I can be that my father caused the accident: his motive was unconscious revenge for her refusal to do what he wanted.

In later years, my sister played the same games with me: she once phoned to ask me for money because her cat had been hit by a car. This is an example of the pretext motive.

A few such incidents may not be significant, but I can remember many others. For example: my sister got herself a job with a well-known arts company that is very difficult to get into; I am sure that there would have been a lot of competition for the position and my sister would not have been the best candidate. However, she may well have been the one who wanted the job most desperately, and it is possible that she raised the power to get it by draining the people around her.

The Director did not like her very much, and kept criticising her. When a senior member of the royal family was due to visit, the Director told my sister that she would not be invited to meet the royal guest. The latter fell ill just before the visit and was not up to meeting any of the staff members: she did not stay for very long.

Not long after this incident, the Director lost her job after a re-organisation. Unconscious revenge, influencing people and an example of the 'If I can’t have it (i.e. meet the royal guest) then no one can' syndrome or just coincidence? It is possible that the Director subconsciously sensed that my sister had used illegitimate methods to influence the interviewer and get the job, and the criticism was in response to this.

It is possible that the royal guest fell ill because of being 'targetted'; perhaps my sister hoped to be discovered and taken up or 'adopted' so created scenarios in her mind of what she hoped would happen. It is said that psychological black magic has a habit of back-firing and having the opposite effect of what the users hope for.

Examples from fiction
Lucy Snowe, the heroine of Charlotte Brontë’s Villette, was not happy with her restricted life in the girls' school in Brussels. Suddenly, she was needed to translate when an attractive young English doctor came to attend to the daughter of the woman who ran the place: the little girl had fallen down a flight of stairs and broken her arm. 

Many such young women used to wish and wish that they could meet a glamorous man; Lucy Snowe got what she wished for, but at someone else’s expense. The doctor was forced by circumstances to acknowledge her presence in the same way that Mr Rochester was when his unfortunate horse came crashing down just as they passed Jane Eyre sitting on her gate.

These fictional incidents remind me of something that happened in real life many years ago, when a big work project came to an end. One young colleague frequently complained that there was nothing for her to do and that she wished that she didn’t have to come into the office. Her wish came true: her husband tripped when carrying their little boy down the stairs; the baby went flying through the air and broke his leg when he landed. She was away from work for several weeks while he recovered: he needed to learn to walk all over again. So she too got her wish, but once again at someone else’s expense.

Find out more
Most people will have encountered energy vampires at some point in their lives; everyone needs to be aware of this problem and how to deal with it. It is likely that most people will never know or need to know much about unseen crime, however information is there for people who need it: Colin Wilson gives many examples in his books Mysteries and The Occult

Future articles will contain more examples of suspected psychic crime, from fiction, biographies and personal experience.