Saturday 24 August 2013

Karen Kingston: De-cluttering as a Defence Against the Dark Parts

I vaguely remember a scene from one of Dennis Wheatley’s occult novels in which some people spend the night inside a protective circle (or perhaps it was a pentacle). They have bathed and are wearing clean pyjamas:  complete cleanliness is an essential part of their psychic defence operation. The evil entities arrive and attack as expected.  One actually manifests inside the circle, which was designed to ward it off. The cause is soon discovered: a member of the group had found some papers and, forgetting the rules, brought them into the circle with him to examine, thus providing the entity with some ‘impurities’ that it could fasten onto and use to materialise.

What are we holding onto that enables destructive influences to invade and sabotage our lives? 

While psychic garbage in our energy fields and psychological garbage in our subconscious minds may attract trouble and victimisers, garbage in our external surroundings may also be responsible for reducing our quality of life. Skeletons in our mental closets may attract energy vampires; such things as never-worn clothes and items in bad states of repair in our physical closets may also be drawing unwanted people and experiences into our lives.

Keeping our home environment clean, tidy, attractive, organised and in a good state of repair is an important aspect of psychic self-defence; cleanliness and orderliness may help to attract good influences and deter ‘astral bacteria’, ‘hungry ghosts’ and other undesirable entities. 

It is probably no accident that witches are frequently depicted as living in chaos and squalor, nor that some very holy people live very simply in small cells with few personal possessions. 

The evil dark lord in The Lord of the Rings is called Sauron: this name is said to be linked to an Old Norse word for filth.

I am not wild about most American self-help books, but I found Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui by Karen Kingston worth reading. It makes a few good points and contains some statements about clutter that resonate strongly with me.  

She says that clutter presents an obstacle to the flow of energy; it creates disharmony; clutter has a sticky, unclean feel; it smells musty and unpleasant; it is stagnant and unwholesome. 

Clutter makes people who live with it tired, depressed and lethargic; it may affect their weight; it may affect the way they take care of themselves; it makes them continually procrastinate; it makes them confused and ashamed; it makes them live in fear of exposure; it makes others treat them badly; it puts their life on hold; it keeps them in the past.

I couldn’t get interested in the Feng Shui aspect of this book, but think that what Karen Kingston says about clutter makes sense; it applies as much to psychic and psychological garbage and unfinished business as it does to physical clutter. It is important to care for and respect both ourselves and our homes.  If we don’t treat ourselves, our belongings, our surroundings and our affairs well and with respect, how can we expect others to treat us well and with respect? Like attracts like.

Keeping the energy moving seems particularly important. Corners and shelves need to be attended to from time to time to disperse stagnant energy, which builds up in the same way that dust does. 

I once had a high shelf that was full of books and old course units; they had been up there for many years. I eventually decided to dispose of as many as possible and started bringing them all down. I had bad dreams with flashbacks for a few nights. I would wake up feeling very drained and unsettled after being forced to relive the painful past.

I wonder whether the bad feelings and experiences I had at the time I was reading the books and studying the course material had become thought forms that clung to the books, and that moving the books disturbed them so they attached themselves to me and were responsible for the bad dreams.

I know that re-reading an old diary made me feel really terrible: I went right back into the state of mind at the time I wrote in it. This too gave me some bad dreams about the past.

I had the same experience a few more times after moving items that had been stashed away and not touched for a long time.  Not only that, but I kept encountering a neighbour whom I had not crossed paths with for many years.  She was very much in evidence in the bad old days before I became aware of unseen influences and other dimensions; she mostly disappeared from my life when I used my knowledge to move to a better psychological area. It is very interesting that, just like the times when my dropped firewall attracted trouble, the bad energy I had picked up attracted her into my life again.

I have got rid of a lot of my belongings, and now try to ensure that nothing is neglected or forgotten and everything is moved and cleaned regularly. 

There is a saying that not having money is much worse than having money is good. I think that the same principle applies to our home environments. 

Unlike Karen Kingston, I don’t think that clearing our clutter and applying Feng Shui principles to the layout of our homes will have very positive if not magical effects on our lives, incomes and relationships. I do think that clearing clutter is rather like paying off debts: it will decrease the negativity in our lives and will bring us closer to healthy normality. Having good home conditions does not give us any particular advantage, but having bad ones is a huge handicap.

Our living conditions are a major unseen influence in our lives.