Friday 12 October 2018

Cult members: giving more and more in return for less and less

Something I read  in Joyce Collin-Smith's Call No Man Master  about the Maharishi Yogi reminds me of something I read in Terry Pratchett's Lords and Ladies about the Elf Queen. 

We start with an amusing anecdote from a serious book; the second extract is a serious statement from a very amusing book.  

From Call No Man Master
Joyce Collin-Smith tells us that the Maharishi Yogi started out by initiating people in return for fruit and flowers, but he went on to demand larger and larger sums of money in return for his teachings. Even the basic courses were very costly, and the lessons in special techniques became steadily more and more expensive. Some people deprived both themselves and their families to pay his exorbitant fees.

These special techniques were supposed to teach people to become clairvoyant, to manipulate the forces of nature and to levitate!

There was a court case in the US in 1987 in which three former devotees of the Maharishi demanded £64 million for damages, saying that they had paid thousands of dollars to the Maharishi and his university to be turned into ‘masters of creation’. They had been led step by step to pay more and more for further techniques to ‘gain power over natural laws’. They had given their own services free.

After years of study, they had ended up not in Nirvana but ‘beset with anxiety, rage, guilt and loss of memory’.

They had ‘lost a crucial period of life when they would otherwise have been obtaining university degrees, developing a career and establishing family and social relationships.’

All they had got from the levitation exercise...was 'a rude return to earth and chronic arthritis.’

From Lords and Ladies
Terry Pratchett puts it much more concisely when Granny Weatherwax warns a young witch about the Elf Queen:

She offered you lots of power I expect.  All you wanted. For free... She gives you power for a while… And then there is less power and more price. And then no power, and you’re payin’ every day. They always take more than they give, And what they give has less than no value. And they end up taking everything.”

A warning from two authors
Both Joyce Collin-Smith and Terry Pratchett tell it how it is. They give a warning of what can happen to unwary people. They show us how some people can end up,

Their words remind us that people who join cults often get a very low rate of return on their investment.  The more they give the less they get.

When it comes to the people who paid a fortune to learn how to master the secrets of the universe, the expression “A fool and his money are soon parted” comes to mind.

Greed for power and knowledge may cause people to lose all judgement, and there may also be unscrupulous suppliers in the case. Let the buyer beware. Don’t throw good money after bad.

Cut your losses and get out while the going is good and before you end up in a terrible state.