Monday 9 September 2019

Ten years of blogging and still going strong

The first article in the archives of this blog is dated September 9th 2009, the ninth day of the ninth month of the ninth year of the century.

Nine is an important number in Norse mythology; it is associated with magic and Odin, or Woden, the seeker after knowledge and wisdom who is associated with magic and mystery.

By coincidence, September 9th 2009 was a Wednesday! 

This date was not a deliberate choice at the time. I spent a few days setting up the infrastructure and creating some content, and the day I was ready to launch the blog and publish the first article just happened to be a significant date. 

Although it was accidental, the Odin connection is actually very appropriate.

I started the Unseen Influences blog mainly for my own benefit. I wanted to log unusual experiences and strange coincidences and make a record of my ideas about a variety of topics. I wanted to produce the sort of interesting, inspiring, illuminating and useful material that I like to read. 

Researching, making connections and getting things down in writing all have a beneficial effect so, just like L. M. Montgomery’s Emily, I would still do them even if no one ever saw the results.

I knew that a huge majority of people would not find anything of interest to them in my articles and wouldn’t much care for the style of writing either, but I did hope however that a few people, proactive researchers with a mindset, interests and outlook similar to mine and people who have had similar experiences with unseen influences, might find the ideas, insights, information, and suggestions on here helpful. 

I also thought that the articles might introduce a few people to books, authors and ideas that they might otherwise have overlooked.

I started the proceedings by producing an explanation of the background to and purpose of the Unseen Influences blog; this entry appears on every page.

The first article is an introduction to the way that Unseen forces can affect our lives.

Ten years have passed and the blog is still going strong. 

I have had many more readers than I ever expected. 

People from all over the world are finding their way here, and I don’t think that they are all bots! For some reason, there are more readers from the US and Germany than there are from the UK.

I have even had some visits from a plagiarism scanner, so perhaps someone is copying my content!

There are gaps in the earlier years for times when I was very busy elsewhere, but output has increased in recent years and there is still no end in sight. 

I would certainly stop, for the duration at least, if I had no inclination to write or no inspiration or ideas for articles, but there is no sign of that yet. The opposite is true - at least for now - in that the more articles I produce the more ideas I get for new ones.

So, there may be more to come about energy vampires, witches, writers, books that I like, cults, psychological black magic, amazing coincidences and anything else that inspires commentary. 

There are still many connections to be made and independent confirmation of my ideas to be discovered and described.

In addition, there are the forum posts. They provide yet another outlet for the inclination to write and are a good way to keep research and composition skills honed.

Although the Conservative Conspiracy Forum no longer exists, I frequently post, usually on topics not relevant to this blog, as UnseenI on the Alternaticity Forum.